Time flies when you are having fun!
I was doing a little research last week and realized I have been blogging here for over 2 years this past December 11th. Two years, it doesn’t seem like it has been that long. A lot of water has passed under the bridge in that short period of time. Our team has come a long way; we got a few calls and even won our first Grand this past October.
We are about to enter into our 4th year on the competition circuit. As I look over the contest possibilities for the up coming season, I notice there are an increasing number of events to pick from. For a team in our section of the mid atlantic region, you have 20+ contests to pick from with-in a reasonable driving distance. That is not counting events that are a little further away.
The WATG? gang again figures on cooking 6-7 contests for the 2010 season. This is about all that we can handle considering work, family and other obligations that seem to pop up every weekend during the summer months. We like the fact that there are more contests in which to choose from and wish that we could find the time to cook a few more. We also appreciate the fact that there are more events that require less driving, a sorter drive home, in my opinion, is a good thing.
We have posted our tentative schedule on the website, www.watgbbq.com and will post here as soon as a few more dates are confirmed. If you are out and about and decide to visit a contest in which we are cooking, please drop by and say hello. We would like to meet you. This brings me to my next and most important point, saying thank you to my readers.
Throughout the two years this blog has been posted, I have received numerous e mails, comments, personal visits, phone calls and other communications from folks that have been reading my written words. I even had one reader tell me, “You ought to write a book!” Well, this past year, as many of you know, I did just that. As I journey through this process of being a fledging author, I take all of your comments and words of encouragement with me. I am not sure where this road will lead, (if anywhere), but I am sure that it will be an experience I won’t soon forget.
I hope that my book is a help to those that would like to become involved in the sport/lifestyle called competition BBQ cooking. In a way, I am passing along some of what I have learned from so many others on the BBQ trail, to folks just starting their journey. As I have said many times in the past, it is a trip that you won’t regret.
I know that I kid around that I have only two readers, and one is my mother, but you and I know there are at least 8 of you out there in cyberspace, and for that I say thanks. Thank you for reading this blog and thanks for your encouraging words over the years.
I would also ask that if you like the blog, that you click below and become a follower, it doesn’t cost anything, and is very helpful in showing sponsors and others how many people are stopping by to take a look. Likewise, I ask if you are on Facebook, that you add me, who are those guys? BBQ team, and Startin the Fire to your friends and fans list. I am hoping to use the Startin the Fire page as a forum to answer questions and help folks interested in starting their own BBQ team.
It is mid February already; the contest season is just around the corner. I have begun ordering supplies and I continue to practice and refine my technique. Our first event will be Salisbury, MD in mid April. It will be here before I know it.
I have a couple of events associated with the book scheduled in the month of March, which will make things go by even quicker. As you probably know, I will keep you informed as to my trials, tribulations and experiences as a beginning book author. I am sure, as is anyone that knows me, that there will be a funny story or two to come out of all of this……stay tuned!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
The BBQ Guru

Our newest sponsor!
We are pleased to welcome The BBQ Guru as an additional sponsor for the who are those guys? BBQ team. The BBQ Guru is a company based in Warminster Pennsylvania. They design and manufacture high quality smokers and power draft controls. We use one of their Caldera Tall Boy smokers with a Guru fan and control set up. We are able to load our cooker with fuel, light it off, then relax and get some shut-eye as the Guru system stays on duty all night long and maintains the cooker chamber at whatever temperature we ask it to.
Their system is great, and the power draft systems are very reliable and adaptable to most cookers on the market today. In addition to high quality equipment and a complete line of accessories, Fred, Bob, Kenny and the rest of the Guru gang offer customer support that is second to none. Whether it is by phone, e mail or in person, these fellows will work hard to make sure you are getting the full potential out of your equipment and will stand behind everything that they sell.
If you watched the Pitmaster TV show you saw BBQ Bob respond to a customer’s site to assist with a problem at a contest they were both cooking. I have had personal experience in the contest setting where the Guru guys will help to answer a question or solve a problem if the need arises. In short they are a great company and we are very fortunate and proud to have them as one of our sponsors.
If you see us at a contest, stop in anytime and check out the Caldera Tall Boy in action. We’d be happy to answer any question that you might have on our experience with our unit and its performance.
Check out their website for a complete list of products offered.
800-288-GURU (4878)
The BBQ Guru
357 Ivyland Road
Warminster, PA 18974-2205
Email: info@TheBbqGuru.com
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
At Last!

The new web site is here!
After months of painstaking work on someone else’s part, (thanks Brian) we are pleased to announce the release of the newly remodeled “who are those guys?” web-site.
The site contains numerous upgrades and new features which include contest photos and recipes, as well as past news and contest results from the team. My book, Startin the Fire will also be available on the site, just click on book or buy the book.
Brian Milito, team webmaster, has taken the last three years worth of info and made into a very user friendly environment that we hope you will bookmark and visit from time to time. You will also find many useful links to other BBQ sites as well as links to articles and reviews I have written for other publications. (in case you haven’t gotten enough of my drivel on the site)
Brian has also created a Facebook page for both the WATG? team and the Startin the Fire book. If you are currently a Facebook user, we ask that you become a fan of both. If you’re not already on FB, you might give it some thought, it is a great way to stay connected with folks and reconnect with old friends. Its also a great place to waste an hour a day!
Anyway, stop by the new site and give it a looksee when you have a minute, we’ll be glad you did!
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