The new web site is here!
After months of painstaking work on someone else’s part, (thanks Brian) we are pleased to announce the release of the newly remodeled “who are those guys?” web-site.
The site contains numerous upgrades and new features which include contest photos and recipes, as well as past news and contest results from the team. My book, Startin the Fire will also be available on the site, just click on book or buy the book.
Brian Milito, team webmaster, has taken the last three years worth of info and made into a very user friendly environment that we hope you will bookmark and visit from time to time. You will also find many useful links to other BBQ sites as well as links to articles and reviews I have written for other publications. (in case you haven’t gotten enough of my drivel on the site)
Brian has also created a Facebook page for both the WATG? team and the Startin the Fire book. If you are currently a Facebook user, we ask that you become a fan of both. If you’re not already on FB, you might give it some thought, it is a great way to stay connected with folks and reconnect with old friends. Its also a great place to waste an hour a day!
Anyway, stop by the new site and give it a looksee when you have a minute, we’ll be glad you did!
Way to go, George.
Been following your blog for sometime now...congrats on the book! It is exactly what I have been looking for. I am starting a small team here in Texas and I know I have a lot to learn and I am sure this book will give me some good pointers on what I need to do. Just placed my order! - Roland
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